I've followed Lindsey over at The Pleated Poppy for several years now and always love her Instafriday posts. She uploads her phone/instagram photos and shares the details of her week on her blog.
She links up with Jeanett from Life Rearranged.

This year I'd like to be better about blogging...and I'm pretty sure I've written those words here on this very blog a million times before. I'm not exaggerating (okay maybe I am a little, but seriously...I've said it way too many times)!
Remember when I posted about how C O N T E N T is my word for 2014, well here's how I think this fits in:
In the past I've wanted to be a better blogger (aka: I'd like to perfect my life, make it look "blogworthy" and then post beautiful photos and articulate, witty posts like _______ fill in the blank).
But in all honesty, that's probably never going to happen.
First of all, I know that no one has "the perfect life".
And second of all, while I do have dreams (of creating more, re-opening my Etsy shop (which has been empty for far too long), and photographing/posting creative tutorials that inspire you to get creative too)...I'm working on being more content.
I'm working on accepting myself for who I am today; being content to just be me. I want to stop waiting around for my creativity to reach the level of someone else and just get on here and share my thoughts in both photos and words.
that's why I started blogging in the first place - not to become like some amazing superwoman blogger who is already out there. But to just write about my life.
At the rate I'm going, I will wake up tomorrow and Harry will be 10 years old (and we'll hopefully have another kid or two) and I'll wish I would've just blogged about things that in ten years I'll have surely forgotten.
So here goes.
I'm going to start linking up on Fridays...but for now here's a random smattering of photos from my iphone (from the past few weeks).
My Life in Phone Pics :: January (the first half)
| truffles are best when smeared all over the face |
| painting Buzz and Jess, and his hand |
| my diamond candle smells sooooo good... |
| ...and I lucked out with this pretty gem :) |
| seriously, the best of friends :: Landon 3.5 and Harry almost 2 |
| enjoying time with Uncle before he headed back to college |
| "a fend in me" (aka: you've got a friend in me) is our new family soundtrack |
| ordered my first shutterfly book of Harry's first birthday party, addicted |
| a little subtle sparkle to end the holiday season and welcome in the new year |
| new year, new look...on the blog that is |
| balancing at cousin Eli's 3rd birthday party |
| #shereadstruth is amazing...I am LOVING the fresh start reading plan this month |
| ongoing ear infections make for long nights, and tired days...poor buddy |
| I wish his little hand would fit in mine forever! slow down time |
I love the watercolor photo!