Lots of enjoyable moments have been had in the past couple of weeks...but not so many productive ones.
Oh well ;)

We started August out right with two nights away from our little munchkin. At first two nights felt like one night too many (since we've only ever left him overnight once before, for one night). But I'm so glad we just went for it. We enjoyed plenty of Bavarian food, drink, and decor. It was relaxing, sunny, and laid back. Just what we needed!
While we were gone, Harry had a blast with my parents and brother. He seriously loves his uncle! (It's one of his favorite words to say). So precious!

This week has been a little of this, and that. Nothing too earth shattering, but we have managed to enjoy the sunshine, read books, and get a few of the day-to-day chores done around the house. We got a fun surprise in the mail as a result of a book exchange we participated in about a month or so ago. You were supposed to send one book to the kid on the list, forward it to six friends...you know the typical chain letter...but if everyone participated you'd end up getting 36 books in the mail. Seems like a good deal to me right! :) Well I'm just excited that we ended up getting one book in the mail :)
It's a cute one too. If you have a toddler, I'm sure they would love it. Anything with hidden pictures and flaps to lift is a gem!
And here's me. I was trying to show off the cute polish color next to the light blue. It looks cute huh...minus my awkward face.
But hey...sometimes I figure I better take a picture of someone other than Harry...and I'm the other person available for picture taking most of the time so here I am ;)
Happy Friday!
What are you up to this weekend?! Try taking photos for Rebekah's Ten on Ten project over at "A Bit of Sunshine". Click here for more info! :)
Also...she just posted a recipe for adorable blackberry cobblers in tiny mason jars. So cute and it looks easy and delicious. Here's the recipe if you're interested. I think I may try this sometime before summer's up!
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