Monday, April 8, 2013

Monday Coffee Date (late)

Hey friend, sorry I'm late. I meant to meet for coffee this morning, but it's turned into a post lunch, during naps kind of "coffee date"! I had visions of a wonderful post for this morning, because HEY I'm on Spring Break this instead of things going according to plan I'm running late and my house is a mess. I guess that's what "vacations" are for - letting go of my plans and being okay with a messy life.

What's your drink of choice for today? I already downed my coffee first thing (I needed it, more on that later) so I'm enjoying a nice cup of tea.

Today my friend Hilary's son is over.  She watches him every day while I'm at work, so today I'm helping her family out while she's gone for a much needed long weekend away and her husband is at work.  Unfortunately Harry is sick. Yes he's sick during my spring break (which has happened during ever. single. school. vacation. ALL. year!). Okay my whine is (almost) over. But seriously, there isn't much worse in my book than a sick baby/toddler. Poor kid threw up Friday night, had a fever Saturday and Sunday and is now fighting a runny nose/cough. Poor guy cannot catch a break.

Yes, I know...the upside is that I'm not at work so the long nights of soothing a sick toddler aren't as bad because I can take it easy the next day. On the other hand, all of my plans have to slow down and I just hate seeing him sick. Plus, now that I've  grown accustomed to getting full night of sleep, getting up every couple of hours with Harry wipes me out. Just one (of the many) reason(s) why I'm not ready to get pregnant/have another baby. The sleep deprivation is killer!

At least I managed to lay him down long enough this morning to take a shower.

.    .    .

[Pardon that brief, several hour interruption, due to Harrison's snot/cough/tears which resulted in a quick nap. He's happily playing now while Landon continues to snooze. How do mom's with more than one kid do it?! Karla...if you read my blog, props to you girl!]

So where were we? I think I was complaining a little. So let's change subjects. Did you notice that cute print sitting on top of my journal and Bible? Such a good reminder that today is a gift, no matter how it turns out! I thought it might encourage you too!

It was the "thank you" that came with a purchase from Katy of Katygirl Designs (Etsy Shop) and Scottyboy & Katygirl (blog). I have this print hanging in my craft room. LOVE!  She's inspiring to me on many levels, as a Christian, wife, mom, designer & blogger. You should seriously check her out. She designed our adorable Christmas card this year, and Harry's first birthday invitation.

Speaking of inspiring, you should check out the "Week of Pleated Projects" that Emily of Jones Design Company is putting on. I think I may just try to make every project (depending on how hard the other ones are). If that's the one productive thing I do all week I will be thrilled!

What's inspiring you these days? Any project you're dying to try out? I may be doing a little painting this week too. If you live close by and have a project you want to work on please come join me. You'll have to deal with my cute (and hopefully healthy) 1-year-old ;)

Well thanks for being a patient friend today. I should know by now to let go of any preconceived notions I have about how my day will go when it's spent at home as a mom. Can you relate? Even without kids, life can be unpredictable to say the least.

Hope to see you back this week for a free printable and photos of the projects I attempt to get done!

Thanks for chatting. I can't wait to grab coffee with you next Monday. I'll try to be on time ;)

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