Monday, April 29, 2013

Monday (Afternoon) Coffee Date

Happy Monday!

So I've already had two cups of coffee.

One from home, one on the go.

Both were reheated, several times.

So I missed you this morning, but I thought I'd stop by this afternoon for our date because I've really loved having a set time each week to update my blog and also have been very encouraged by the comments that several friends have left. It's actually felt a bit like an actual weekly "coffee date". I like this new tradition.

I'm off work today because Harry had his 15 month check up this morning. So this was my breakfast companion. I took this photo last week sometime, but he did enjoy some greek yogurt this morning too.  This boy takes mealtime very seriously...until he's done and then food starts landing on the floor.

My house is always a mess ;)

Parenthood is not very glamorous, but it is such a wonderful blessing!

Let's see, back to this morning. Harry was up bright and early (sometime before 6:00am) so we snuggled on the couch for a little while, played, cleaned the kitchen, did some laundry, and made some messes...all before his 9:45 appointment.

He checked out as healthy as can be! He is meeting his milestones, is healthy...and PRAISE JESUS has not had the same "asthma" symptoms in at least two weeks (something he was struggling with for the past few months). Wahoo!

This was my sweet toddler boy when we got home. In typical fashion he fell asleep a few minutes from home and woke up shortly after this photo was taken. Despite his need for a nap, this boy didn't fall asleep again until about 1:30 or so.

Hence this late afternoon post. Oh well!

Last week was killer. Not only was it long and tiring, but having my phone stolen completely threw me off track. I am still adjusting to being relatively "unplugged" without the internet at my fingertips whenever I need it.

I admit that I am a recovering iphone addict. I'm sure at some point we'll figure out how to get me a new "smart" phone for a relatively inexpensive price, but for now I'm using an old phone and am being forced to just slow down.

I've blogged a bit about it this I won't ramble on and on about the whole ordeal...except to say that it has been good for me. Being quiet, whether I want to or not, has challenged me to pray more for my family and those who I know need to be lifted up in prayer. It's funny how much of my time was filled with mindless thoughts thanks to my phone. Now I am finding that I have a lot more time to think about things that truly matter.

It's kind of exhausting, and kind of freeing at the same time. With all of this extra time to think I'm realizing that
a) I'm not as important as I sometimes think I am (aka: the online world is doing just fine without me spending so much time on it) 
b) there is nothing wrong with just living my life without the pressure of always being connected.
I'm still missing it (especially instagram) but I am learning to live without it. And I am thankful that God has been with me throughout it all, reminding me that I can talk with Him, about anything and everything, throughout my entire day. How can I not be thankful for that?!?!

What are you thankful for today? Have you been learning something new (or maybe something you've "learned" over and over that is being re-learned again during this season?

I hope you are having a good day. And even if you're not, because let's be honest...not all days are "good", I hope that you are finding that God is really with you. No matter what obstacle you are facing, big or small, He is right there in the midst of it.

I have been reading this verse every day, and it has been encouraging me to trust that God is truly FAITHFUL...He isn't finished with me yet, but I can trust that He will keep working on my heart until the day I get to be with Him in eternity.

Hope it encourages you too!

And I couldn't resist sharing this sweet little moment between my dad and son. This boy LOVES his Grandpa. I mean really REALLY loves's probably the most precious thing. EVER!

Here's to the rest of this week :) I pray you find blessings in the little moments throughout your week.

So glad we met this afternoon!

1 comment:

  1. I love you! (I'm having my coffee with you on Tuesday morning & reading this :) I want to see you ASAP!
