Sunday, January 4, 2015

MEDIA :: Day 4

Good morning blog. 

This post has nothing to do with "media" per se. But God has been teaching me so much lately through books that I've been reading, that I wanted to reflect a little bit here on the ol' blog.

It's amazing what happens when I no longer have Netflix at my finger tips - I've actually been reading! Disclaimer: I am reading on my Kindle, which is obviously a piece of technology...but I guess I'm not really fasting from technology, but from the "media" sources that we taking up so much of my time.

Back to the reason I sat down to write in the first place. BOOKS! Glorious books! I spend 90 minutes per day teaching my students how to read, how to think about what they're reading, and (hopefully) I am helping them to develop a deep love for reading that they will carry with them throughout their lives. And yet, I rarely read outside of school.

Enter the media fast...and time that I can now re-allocate to book reading. I'll check in later this week once I'm back at work because MANY hours of my life will be once again dedicated to transforming the minds of the next generation. But for today, I can ramble about the books I've been reading!

Obviously it was a book that launched this whole thing (so I guess I did read a bit before this week...just not as much as I'd like). But I've discovered a few books that I have either started or am planning on starting soon. 

Favorite quote thus far:
"...the losses that puncture our world, our own emptiness might actually become places to see. To see through to God. That that which tears open our souls, those holes that splatter our sight, may actually become the thin, open places to see through the mess of this place to the heart-aching beauty beyond. To Him. To the God whom we endlessly crave." (p.22)
I don't think I can even put my thoughts into words that would do this quote justice. She is an articulate and poetic writer! Only 22 pages in and I am hooked for sure!

I've also started reading Christ in the Chaos: How the Gospel Changes Motherhood by Kimm Crandall.

SO good as well! 
"Heart chaos is a result of the inward worship of self: worship of my own abilities to merit God's favor and approve of myself, the desire to compare my success with others, the longing to know that deep down I'm really okay. Heart Chaos comes from thinking that all the goodness in my personal world (especially the salvation of my children and grandchildren) depends on my getting my act together." (loc.105)
One more book that I'm dying to get my hands on is called Mended by Angie Smith.

I have only read a description of the book (the description on the amazon link above), but it brought me to tears. It's definitely up next on my "too read" list.

Other books on my list:

Let's All be Brave by Annie F. Downs

Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin

Good News for Weary Women by Elyse Fitzpatrick

So...where does this leave me?

I don't really know. I'm only four days into the some ways it's been hard. In other ways it's been just fine. I'm thrilled with my desire to read more. I'm also pretty certain that my energy level and desire to read once school is back in session (TOMORROW?! Where did the time go?!?!) will greatly diminish.

But I'm thinking less about the next episode of Gilmore Girls and more about Jesus. So that's a start!

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