Wednesday, February 6, 2013

[Birthday] Letter: Month 12

Dear Harrison,
You are ONE. A whole year has passed and we are so much better for it.

In all honesty, this past month has been one of the hardest yet. We started off the New Year with one sickness after another, leaving us all very tired after weeks of sleepless nights.  Thankfully, watching you transform into a busy boy this month has made the exhaustion completely worth it.

You not only crawl and scoot but you love climbing the stairs now. In only a few seconds you can get almost halfway up the staircase! Sometimes I forget that you took so long to start moving. You had barely figured out how to crawl/scoot just a month ago. Now you can pull yourself up on anything. It doesn’t matter how solid an object is either because you’re starting to let go and stand a bit on your own (for a few seconds at least).  I still thing you’re a little way off from taking real steps, but the change we’ve seen in you this last month has been huge! I can only imagine how much more we’ll have to chase after you once you are walking…and running. No rush little guy!

We celebrated your first birthday in style this weekend. Our house was full of family and friends. We had bright decorations, balloons (which you love), and some delicious brunch food! You had your first bites of “cake” (which was really a stack of pancakes). You weren’t too messy, but enjoyed dipping your finger in the frosting and taking quite a few licks.

You received so many fun new toys; some of your favorites include your new police car, music equipment (especially your xylophone and drum), and numerous balls.

I cannot believe we’re finished with our monthly photo shoots and letters. Every month I have looked forward to taking time to capture your photo and write you a letter.  I know someday the memories of this crazy wonderful first year of your life will be a blur, and even though I wrote these letters to you, I think they will be just as much for me as the years go by. I wish I could hold onto every single detail of this past year, but I know that time will continue on and the memories will begin to fade, as all memories tend to do.

When you were first born I wanted to stop time, and was so sad to think that you would change and grow. I wanted to keep you so small and precious forever. But now I realize that if I’d done that, I would have missed out on so much. Each day I feel like I get to know you more. You have brought us so much laughter and purpose since you entered our life last winter and made us parents. Every mom I talk to tells me that it just keeps getting better with each passing year. I think I finally get it. In the future I know there will be bumps along the road—challenges that we face as a family. But along with the struggles and hardships of life, I am certain that there will be countless moments of joy.

Thank you my sweet boy for being you! Each night I thank Jesus for the blessing that you are to our family and pray that He would continue teach me how to be the best Mom for you.

We have made it through a whole year together as a family and I cannot wait to see what this next year holds. Happy First Birthday Harrison Levi!

Love Always,

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