Monday, December 10, 2012

10 on 10 :: December 2012

To learn more about the Ten on Ten project, check out Rebekah's blog:

Click the photo below to check out all of the amazing installments from today's 10 on 10! 

ten on ten button

I've been terrible about taking photos this year and posting them on the 10th, but every month I look forward to perusing the blogs who link up their sets.

Happy 10th everyone! :)

Today was a busy day from morning until night. Isn't every day as a mom...or as a grown-up for that matter :-/

The highlight was of course being home in the evening with my son (though I somehow managed to avoid taking any pictures of him...don't worry I'm sure I "instagrammed"at least one picture of him today).

At school however, we had a lot of excitement when THREE of my students lost teeth, in a matter of about an hour. I only managed to take pictures that documented two of these momentous occasions...but seriously?! Three in one day?

And I managed to post my 10 on 10 set before bed...

...and Harrison has been sleeping all night (or for at least 8-9 hours before waking for a little snack).

My life is made of Christmas miracles these days!



  1. I love all the photos you took in your classroom! It makes me so much more excited to be a teacher. And I love that photo of the lost tooth; it brings back so many memories of elementary school. Lovely set!

  2. They are going to start calling you the Tooth Fairy - looks like you had a busy day. Love your classroom and your lovely homefire setting.

  3. Sounds like a record day for you and the Tooth Fairy! ;)
