Sunday, December 2, 2012

Letter: Month 10

Dear Harrison,

And just like that, you are on the move; more a boy than a little baby to me.


Except for when you’re sleeping. Then you seem so much smaller to me. Like right now. I’m typing this as you snooze on the carpet next to me. You’re so peaceful when you sleep. And thankfully the past week has been your best sleeping record in months. You slept three nights in a row, ALL NIGHT, and then the rest of the week it’s just been once a night that you’ve woken up. It’s taken a few days, but I finally feel like a fully functioning human again. For most of your tenth month I’ve been relying on coffee and people’s patience with me as I did my best to be a teacher and a mom on not nearly enough sleep.

You’re so worth it though!

This month has been so much fun – even if it has been a busy/exhausting one. We have watched your desire to move grow by the day. You can pull yourself up onto your knees, but not quite to a standing position. You do enjoy standing however, and you’re starting to walk around holding onto our fingers. Last night you were standing against a toy barn and kept lifting up your arms, so proud of yourself. We’ve never seen you stand so long without holding on. I think you’re getting more confident, which means we’re not too far off from having a walking toddler around the house. No rush though…if you wait until after you’re one we won’t mind!


Even though you haven’t officially crawled yet, I think you’re close. You love to get on your belly from a sitting position and have gotten really good and scooting backward (especially on the hardwood floors). Before we know it you’ll be all over the house and then I think we’ll really understand what “baby-proofing” means!

We celebrated your first Thanksgiving TWICE in one day. First at your Grandma and Grandpa Lamb’s house and then with Daddy’s side of the family at Uncle Dwayne and Aunt Denise’s. You enjoyed lots of attention at both celebrations! By bedtime though we were all wiped, and your poor Dad had to go to work!

We also went to get your first Christmas tree, which you LOVE by the way. We tried to go to a tree farm and make it a special event, but they were all closed (before 6pm) so it was off to Fred Meyers. You could have cared less where we got it, but next year we’ll try to go to a tree farm during the day!


It is so fun sitting by the tree in the evenings and watching you touch the branches and play with your special (plastic) ornaments. We have one that plays “Away in a Manger” and lights up. It’s your favorite, and every time the song comes on you starting making this adorable noise, like you’re trying to sing or hum along. I die every time from your cuteness! I can’t wait to teach you all about the real purpose of Christmas as you grow up: celebrating the birth of Jesus and how lucky we are that God chose to come down to earth to be our Savior. I LOVE that you are enjoying this sweet ornament and song already.  Someday you’ll get to help me set up our nativity (but not for a while, since it’s breakable). That was always my favorite part of Christmas decorating with my mom, and she gave me the set we had growing up.


It really feels like you, Daddy and I are a family of three. Something about this season, and all of the traditions that we will get to share with you each year makes me really feel like I’m actually a mom. I know, after 10 months you’d think it would have sunken in by now, but there are moments when I just cannot believe how blessed we truly are to be your parents.


Well sweet pea, I am up way too late finishing up this letter (yes, it has taken me more days than I'd like to admit to finish it).  The older you get, the less time I have during the day for things like this. But laughing and playing with you are way more important to me than sitting at the computer, so I’ll just have to stay up a little later at night to write these letters from now on.

Know that my love for you only grows with each season that we share together. You are the BEST little baby I know!

Love Always,

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