In December my grandpa passed away and I have been hit recently with how much I miss him, and how fleeting life really is. Online, there have been several women I have followed on instagram and their blogs who have bravely shared their stories of losing children. And in real life a dear friend of mine lost her baby halfway through her pregnancy. A perfect, tiny little baby boy who never took a breath on this earth, and is dearly missed! Numerous friends are longing for babies and struggling through the journey of infertility...the list could go on.
While I have so much to be thankful for in my life (a healthy 2-year-old son being at the top of that list), I have been so heartbroken over these kinds of situations. Such grief really can't be put into words, and from an outside perspective I hardly know what to say, other than to cry out to God and ask Him for comfort in the midst of unspeakable pain for these people who I know and love, and even for the ones I've just followed along with online.
Over the weekend I read several blog posts re: motherhood that were SO inspiring. Literally brought my to tears. Not because the author's have it all together, or that I ever will...but by the grace of Jesus!
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If you're up for a few good reads, I promise they won't disappoint:
A letter to moms from my pastor.
The heart of a mom who has three children here, and three in heaven. Such a good perspective!!!
Thoughts on accepting grace from a mom who waited on the Lord's timing for her sweet boy!
Good mothers come in all varieties!!!
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Whether you had a delightful Mother's Day with your mama, or your little (or not so little) one(s)...or yesterday was hard because "motherhood" is a difficult topic (due to loss or longing) I am praying that you are experiencing God's grace today.
He grieves with you...and while you may not have answers now (or until you see Him face to face) I know He is good and trustworthy.
Praying for you today friends!
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