Saturday, May 31, 2014


TUESDAY was a big day for us. After months and months of ongoing ear infections, talking with multiple doctors, and eventually meeting with an ear, nose, and throat specialist...we knew it was time to come up with a better solution for Harrison. His hearing was being impaired by the fluid in his middle ear, and frankly...we were tired of putting him on medicine that would only clear up the problem for a week or two before he'd start getting another infection.

[ "Catch Daddy" ]

It was a bit scary, mostly because he had to be put under anesthesia, but he was such a brave little guy! We got up early and drove to Seattle to the surgery center at the Polyclinic. The staff was friendly and reassuring...and Harry was only a bit cranky for a few minutes here and there (he did great considering he couldn't eat or drink anything prior to the surgery). We decided to have Josh go back with him because I knew I would be too emotional, it was honestly harder on me than on Harrison.

[ He was bouncing around the waiting room like a wild man! ]

When it was time to go, Harry led the way through the door (as if he owned the place) and Josh said he took a couple of breaths with the mask and was sleeping within 20 seconds. Such a relief! I had visions of him throwing a tantrum and not taking the mask, but he did awesome! Josh came out and sat with me. It was about 10 minutes or so before the surgeon came out and said the procedure was finished and went perfectly. A few minutes after that I went back to find him snuggled in a blanket resting on the shoulder of the sweetest nurse. He was groggy but very happy (especially when she offered him some apple juice and animal crackers). Josh joined us and after a few minutes of sitting with him, we carried him down to the car and headed home.

A movie, lunch, and a nice long nap later...and he was back to his normal energetic self. He put together some puzzles, ran around, drove/flew his cars, trains, and superheroes all over the house and went to bed like normal (including his usual tears when we finally put the books away and have to actually go to bed...he's already trying to extend bedtime by begging for more stories). He was out like a light, and has been sleeping like a log every night since (four nights in a row now).

We have to go back in a couple of weeks to make sure that everything looks good, but so far I am so impressed with how easy it all was. I am honestly SO THANKFUL to Jesus for giving us peace about taking this step, and putting us in the hands of knowledgeable doctors who helped us make the right decision for our son. What I'm most excited about in the coming weeks is to see how this impacts his day-to-day life. I really don't know what it's like to have a kid who isn't in a constant cycle of either getting an ear infection, or recovering from one. It will be such a nice change of pace to enjoy the health that this procedure is supposed to bring (still praying that it all works the way it's supposed to).

Thanks to all who prayed with us for Harrison leading up to his surgery, and over the past week. I know this is NOTHING compared to what so many parents have to face in regard to surgeries and medical issues with their kids, but it's been a trial for that I am thankful seems to be nearly over!

Monday, May 12, 2014

{ Growing a } Heart of Compassion

Over the past year God has given me a much broader perspective of life, loss...and how much grace we all need. Especially moms!

In December my grandpa passed away and I have been hit recently with how much I miss him, and how fleeting life really is. Online, there have been several women I have followed on instagram and their blogs who have bravely shared their stories of losing children. And in real life a dear friend of mine lost her baby halfway through her pregnancy. A perfect, tiny little baby boy who never took a breath on this earth, and is dearly missed! Numerous friends are longing for babies and struggling through the journey of infertility...the list could go on.

While I have so much to be thankful for in my life (a healthy 2-year-old son being at the top of that list), I have been so heartbroken over these kinds of situations. Such grief really can't be put into words, and from an outside perspective I hardly know what to say, other than to cry out to God and ask Him for comfort in the midst of unspeakable pain for these people who I know and love, and even for the ones I've just followed along with online.

Over the weekend I read several blog posts re: motherhood that were SO inspiring. Literally brought my to tears. Not because the author's have it all together, or that I ever will...but by the grace of Jesus!

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If you're up for a few good reads, I promise they won't disappoint:

A letter to moms from my pastor.

The heart of a mom who has three children here, and three in heaven. Such a good perspective!!!

Thoughts on accepting grace from a mom who waited on the Lord's timing for her sweet boy!

Good mothers come in all varieties!!!

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Whether you had a delightful Mother's Day with your mama, or your little (or not so little) one(s)...or yesterday was hard because "motherhood" is a difficult topic (due to loss or longing) I am praying that you are experiencing God's grace today.

He grieves with you...and while you may not have answers now (or until you see Him face to face) I know He is good and trustworthy.

Praying for you today friends!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Romans 12:12

Just a little something I made tonight. Trying to develop my skills in graphic design. I think it still needs some tweaking, but I thought I'd share, just for fun ;)

Friday, May 2, 2014

She Shares Truth: Commissioned Moments

What holds you back from being available for commissioned moments? When have you experienced a commissioned moment and how did you witness God’s supernatural power at work? Pray and ask God to present a commissioned moment. Then let’s gather to share our stories and encourage one another.

"When they say Him, they worshipped Him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the end of the age."

|  Matthew 28:17-20  |

This. Is. CONVICTING to me.

I am right there in the midst of worship and doubt, as much as I hate to admit it. And unfortunately my doubt gets in the way of me being fully open and ready for the kind of "commissioned moments" that Jesus commands us to live in. 

And still...Jesus comes. 

This amazes me. He sees my worship, tainted with doubt, and still chooses to come and speak into my life. Sure, He commands a lot from me - to go and make disciples - but He promises to BE WITH ME ALWAYS. I had to read this passage a few times for this promise to begin to sink in.

I have a loving and supportive family, and several close friends that I know I can count on. And while I'd like to think they'll always be there for me...they are human and imperfect, just like I am. We let each other down because we are selfish. It's just the reality of human relationships.

But with Jesus it is different. His promise is true and He never changes so I know for certain that I am not alone. The part that is hard to fully accept is the fact that He is with me in my doubt. He doesn't require me to have it all together before He calls me to follow Him and share the Gospel with others. 

So while I'd like to share amazing stories of how I've been faithful to share Christ with strangers when I've felt God putting it on my heart, I honestly think this is an area that I need to humbly repent in. I've not been faithful to worship Jesus in this way. I've held back for fear of what people might think or say. I'm all for encouraging fellow believers in their faith, and while that brings God glory and helps others along in their relationship with Him...I am convicted that God wants me to step out in faith and be ready at any moment to boldly proclaim the Gospel to whoever He might want me to share it with.

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How about you? 

Where are you at in this area of your faith? 

Have you been on the receiving end of a "commissioned moment"? Or do you have an example of how God used you to share the Gospel with someone else?

I'd love to hear in the comments!

...and if you're like me, let's not be ashamed, or condemn ourselves. Instead, let me know and we can pray for one another in this area!

"Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus
Romans 8:1