Friday, September 6, 2013

God's Word is FILLED with Truth!

I know that this blog is often just a scrapbook of one of my life's greatest joys, my son! Every now and then I post about a project or something...and (not often) enough I post about my faith. This morning I couldn't help but share what I'm learning in my life, in the hopes that it will encourage you too :)

As I've blogged about before, I have been reading through the Bible with a website that is made up of several Christian (women) bloggers who study God's Word and write devotional plans for whoever wants to participate to read through and talk about (through the comments or on instagram). It is such an amazing blessing to me. I get up early, get ready, and sit down with my computer, Bible, and journal before heading out the door for work. It's more than worth waking up extra early for because I have been reading God's Word more regularly, and have been learning more about God and my relationship with Him than I ever have before. 

If you are curious, click the link above to check it out!

So today the reading was from Daniel 3:1-23. I had heard of Daniel and the lion's den before. Classic Bible story. And also about three guys (Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego) who were thrown into a fiery furnace and lived to tell the tale. But I have honestly never read through this book before. And it's about a whole lot more than just these two well-known Sunday School Tales.

Today the three guys I mentioned above refused to worship a false god/statue and angered the king so much that he ordered them to be thrown into the fiery furnace to die a gruesome death. He gave them one last chance to change their minds, but their response (verses 16-18) was: 

"King Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If the God we serve is able to deliver us, then he will deliver us from the blazing furnace and from Your Majesty's hand. But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up."

I wanted to keep reading, because I know that they survive; that God spares their lives. 

But the reading stopped with them being thrown into the fire.

And what if? What if God hadn't saved their lives?

Here's what I wrote in the comments on today's post over at She Reads Truth. Thought someone on my blog might be encouraged in the same way I was...and either way I highly encourage you to pop over to today's post on She Reads Truth and read more. It's SUCH A GOOD one! :)

When I read today's verses, I wanted so badly to keep reading. To get to the end of the find the resolution at the end, and praise God for delivering them (sorry if that's a spoiler to any who have never read this story before). And I actually did read on before realizing that today's reading stops at verse 23. I know it's not bad to read more of the Bible, but I also know after reading your words Hayley, that you stopped us at verse 23 for a very important reason. 
I'm often (if not always) wanting to get to the ending, where God answers my prayers with a big YES, and preferably after a short time of waiting. But focusing today on the "And if not..." was so convicting. What if the story ended with these three men burned up in the furnace? Would I still think that God is good? 
In my own life, there are a few prayers that I have been praying for a few years now. Big prayers. Life changing desires. Things that I know are in line with God's Word and would glorify Him SO MUCH if He would choose to answer them with YES. "And if not..." I'm sad to say I have often questioned His goodness. In the waiting, I have let myself go to that place, and most often find myself feeling bitter and resentful. 
Jesus please change my (and our) heart(s) to believe FULLY in your goodness. Even if our circumstances don't change in the way we might hope. Even if you choose to answer our prayers with a "not yet" or even a "no". You are our perfect Father and I am so thankful for the reminder this morning that even in the "And if not..." moments, ESPECIALLY in the "And if not..." moments you are GOOD. Please help me to trust in this Truth today. You are truly working all things out for our good and your glory, even if I don't understand it all right now. Amen!
Happy Friday :)

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