Thursday, May 16, 2013

10 on 10 :: May 2013

So I only managed to take five photos on the actual 10th. So my set is goofy this month...

The first five photos are from the morning of the 10th and the next five are from the 11th.

Better late than never right ;)

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May 10th

May 11th


  1. So wonderful that both of your men love you and appreciate the amazing mom and wife that you are!! :)

    He probably told you but I keep forgetting to text you to tell you we saw Josh last weekend at the movie theater! It was fun to chat for a few minutes. We talked about getting together so let me know when you're done with school and might have time to come over to our place! :)

    Hope the last weeks of school go great!

    P.S. So exciting that Harry walked! I'm way behind on checking blogs so I read back a ways!

    Love ya!
