It's 12:16 am which means in about an hour it will mark 8 months since my water broke...which means Harry is almost 8 months old.
September is always tiring, but to say I'm exhausted is an understatement this school year. Let's just say that I'm seriously taking life one. day. at. a. time. It's really all I can handle to just make it from my alarm to bedtime in one piece.
My house needs to be deep cleaned, and de-cluttered.
My email inbox is overflowing (if I haven't emailed you back, I apologize).
My camera is full of photos that need to be uploaded, edited, and posted here on my blog.
And I'm really not sure when all of this is going to happen...maybe next year ;)
Poor Harry has a bit of a cold...stuffy/runny nose which is making it hard for him to sleep. After some snuggles, using that terrible nose bulb thing, and putting a few blankets under his mattress so that he's not laying flat on his back, he's sleeping (as) soundly (as can be expected when one has a cold). But I'm wide awake...hence this late night blog post. Not to mention that I have also gotten a few other things done, including: dishes, put away laundry, taken out the trash and recycle, put all of the piles of mail/bills lying around the house into ONE FAT PILE to be dealt with this weekend.
I even unsubscribed to some blogs that have been filling up my google reader, because let's face it I just don't have enough time to read all the blogs I used to (I managed to narrow it down to my top favorites...which is still probably too many but it's a start).
I should really email a few people back but I'm going to reserve the right to use the "I'm a new mom" (and a working mom at that) card and put the emails off for another day. By Sunday I hope to clear out my to-do list and updating my inbox is definitely included in that.
Some people have recently asked me "How do you do it all?". The truth is, I really don't. I'm just barely managing to stay afloat these days. And there have been tears. Which may not be surprising to anyone who has known me for long.
Like I said, my motto is: "one day at a time". And prayer helps (big time). I may shed a few tears before bed, mostly from exhaustion...but each morning presents me with a new opportunity. New challenges, yes, but every challenge is an opportunity to rely more on God's strength than my own. I am reminded daily that I am in need of grace, and find myself thanking Jesus more and more for offering me that grace to be a wife, mom, teacher, daughter, sister, name it.
I'm sure anyone who is a mom (and really everyone for that matter) understands the feeling of being stretched so thin that you think you might just break. At least that's how I've been feeling lately.
2 Corinthians 12:9
But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.
I'm definitely learning to boast gladly, but this verse is such a good reminder that being weak and relying on God is not a bad thing, but something to be thankful for.
Here are a couple of blogs that have been really encouraging me lately, just in case you find yourself needing some encouragement too...whether you're a mom or not, we could all use a little encouragement to rely on Christ more and more!
She Reads Truth
Beautifully Rooted
Out of Her Heart
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