Sunday, March 16, 2014


I just finished my second trimester report cards today.

That may not sound like much to you, but to me that means that tomorrow if a fresh slate...and it is the FINAL stretch of the school it's time to buckle down and run to the finish with all I've got. Get ready first graders because it's time to take it up a notch and learn all that you need to learn before summer!

Also, the time change has thrown us off for a week! Seriously. You may think I'm kidding around, but there is nothing funny about it. This week has been a rough one in the sleep department around here. With that being said, I am happy to report that Harry did not cry when I put him to bed tonight (for the first time since we set the clocks forward). And he has thankfully slept well for two nights now, three if you count tonight (because it's going to be a good night of sleep...I can just feel it)!

For these reasons, and various was a LONG week couple of weeks around here.

"Regular" blogging will resume tomorrow soon:
  • I have a draft of Harry's 2 year old letter in the works.
  • Photos from my iphone to post.
  • ...and hopefully other things to report beside the fact that I'm tired and dreaming of Spring Break. I actually just looked at my calendar and realized that's only three weeks away. THREE WEEKS PEOPLE! This is glorious news!
This mama/teacher/wife/etc is so ready to say farewell to March and move into SPRING! April...let's do this thing!

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