Friday, March 21, 2014

Insta-Friday: Catch All

Just realized it's been several weeks since I last posted my phone pics here on the ol' blog. Prepare to be overloaded! ;)

Here's my weekly almost a month's worth of iPhone photos, 
linked up with Jeanett from Life Rearranged!
life rearranged

Happy Friday folks! :)

| beautiful sky a couple weeks ago |

| family time over the weekend |

| one last hug before heading to home to go to bed - and before Grandma and Papa headed off for a CRUISE |

| constantly driving vehicles around the house |

| thankfully he hasn't tried this on any of our walls (!) |

| Harry loves pizza...almost as much as his Mama |

| two peas in a pod...seriously :) |

| dinner out with his other Grandma and Papa |

| just a typical evening for us...outside running; also rain is fairly typical around here as well |

| a Friday morning selfie, last Friday two Friday's ago... it's been a while since I posted an "Insta-Friday"|

| Harry is convinced that his friend Landon is at every park we go to; this kid didn't seem to mind being chased around and called "Lan-In" ;) hahaha! |

| passed out after seeing Grandma and Papa for the first time since their cruise; loving his new Jesse doll that they brought back from the Disney Cruiseline |

| first worm sighting for Harry (and maybe for Landon too?) |

| this one cracks. me. UP! |

| he wants to be just like his favorite buddy Landon |

| report cards and Bridesmaids; the airplane scene is my FAVORITE |

| not sure what happened here...but I kind of love it :) also, Harry's eyes = AMAZING! |

| SUNSHINE, CHERRY BLOSSOMS, and being OUTSIDE with my little man :) PURE JOY! |

| not sure what my expression is all about in this photo, but love the blue sky and budding trees |

.    .    .

And here come the most hilarious (to us at least) photos that we took last Friday using my iPad's Photo Booth app. 

Seriously. HILARIOUS!!!!

Sunday, March 16, 2014


I just finished my second trimester report cards today.

That may not sound like much to you, but to me that means that tomorrow if a fresh slate...and it is the FINAL stretch of the school it's time to buckle down and run to the finish with all I've got. Get ready first graders because it's time to take it up a notch and learn all that you need to learn before summer!

Also, the time change has thrown us off for a week! Seriously. You may think I'm kidding around, but there is nothing funny about it. This week has been a rough one in the sleep department around here. With that being said, I am happy to report that Harry did not cry when I put him to bed tonight (for the first time since we set the clocks forward). And he has thankfully slept well for two nights now, three if you count tonight (because it's going to be a good night of sleep...I can just feel it)!

For these reasons, and various was a LONG week couple of weeks around here.

"Regular" blogging will resume tomorrow soon:
  • I have a draft of Harry's 2 year old letter in the works.
  • Photos from my iphone to post.
  • ...and hopefully other things to report beside the fact that I'm tired and dreaming of Spring Break. I actually just looked at my calendar and realized that's only three weeks away. THREE WEEKS PEOPLE! This is glorious news!
This mama/teacher/wife/etc is so ready to say farewell to March and move into SPRING! April...let's do this thing!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Birthday All "Week" ;)

This happened on Josh's actual birthday. 

Which was last month. 

Don't judge ;)

Breakfast of champions. Yes that is bacon on that maple bar! Yum!!!

You only turn 32 once right?!

Mr. Fancy-Pants himself. At Daniel's Broiler. Divine!!!

Happy to be with my love!

Gorgeous view!

Friday, March 7, 2014

She Shares Truth: Psalm 130

Psalm 130:4 ESV
But with you there is forgiveness, that you may be feared.

Romans 2:4 NLT
Don't you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Does this mean nothing to you? Can't you see that His kindness is intended to turn you from your sin?

Philippians 1:21 NIV
For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.

.    .    .

When I read through Psalm 130, verse 4 literally jumped off the page. God has been really working on my heart in the area of fear lately - something that I am sure all Christian people wrestle with.

God is truly the only person worthy of our fear. I grew up hearing that we needed to fear God but never really understood what it meant. I knew that God was loving, so why would I need to be afraid of him. But now I can see that fear has a much deeper meaning than simply "to be afraid of something/someone".

I am so thankful that God doesn't strong-arm us into repentance and the kind of awe/reverence/fear that Psalm 130 (and much of the rest of the Bible) talks about. His kindness and grace toward us is what leads us into repentance; a heart change that results in us bowing down in worship to the ONLY ONE who is truly worthy!

For me, this is where Philippians 1:21 comes in. I was challenged this week to honestly consider the Truth that "to live is Christ and to die is gain".  Here are some of the realities in my every day life that I am praying for God to change in me:

Unfortunately, the way I live my life on a daily basis reveals that I fear a lot of other people/things more than I fear the Lord. I fear rejection, change, disapproval, failure, conflict, confrontation, exhaustion...

Most of these fears are rooted in my deep fear of man. Do you struggle with this? It's commonly referred to as "people-pleasing" which doesn't sound so bad, right? 

I have in no way mastered this issue. My heart still battles with this desire to fear others above my fear for God. But thankfully He is patient, and kind, and so gracious with me as He walks through this struggle - helping me to see daily that He is truly worthy of my fear. And ultimately, when Christ is on the throne of my heart, the only One I am fearing, the end result will always be gain. There is not other variation that ends in good.

I know this reflection is supposed to be on Psalm 130, but when I read verse 4, "But with you there is forgiveness, that you may be feared", I knew that I had to share what Jesus has been teaching me about fear through this powerful verse in Philippians.

.    .    .

So how would you fill this in?
What are your fears, or the things you value above Christ...and what is the end result? 

To live is _____________ and to die is ________________.

Praying that we would all come to truly live out this truth today! 
Christ is the only One worthy of our fear. He is SO good to us!!!