Dear Ellis,
You are one whole year old and we are loving every minute of
this stage of life with you!
We celebrated your birthday with a house filled with family
(and a few friends) and the most adorable foxy décor. Your auntie Catherine made
the most delicious cake (apple with salted caramel frosting) - and the woodland
theme was perfect! You loved eating it, even if you were a little slow to dig
in. Your favorite part of your birthday was when Harry, Daddy and I sang “Happy
Birthday” to you on your actual birthday. You lit up with delight when you
realized that we were singing to you. It may be our favorite video of you to

Lately you are on the move. You not only crawl (still mostly
in the army style), but you’re also pulling yourself up on anything you
can...and even trying out your climbing skills. The other morning I was cooking
in the kitchen and walked around the island to find you standing on your
brother’s picnic table bench, reaching for the counter. I’ve said it all along,
but I think it’s finally coming to pass: you are a super sweet boy, but you
also have a mischievous streak.

Part of me wants to be sad that you’re already one, but in
all honesty, I’m just plain thankful. I am so thankful that you have been part
of God’s plan for our family all along. We love you and your brother so much and
though your first year is a treasure that I will always hold dear in my heart -
there is so much joy ahead to look forward to! I am so excited when I think
about the relationship that you and Harry are developing. As loud as it can get
at times, my favorite sound is the two of you cracking each other up in the
back of the van. Harry can really get you squealing screaming with
delight...more so than anyone else. I hope and pray that you will be best
friends for all of your lives. Your brotherhood is one of my life’s greatest
joys to witness!
You are loving the recent sunshine we’ve had and are
happiest when we’re outside getting fresh air. You enjoy riding in the stroller,
and I think it’s time to take our little police car outside so you can go for
rides while Harry rides his bike/scooter/car up and down the street.
You love swinging and going down small slides. I think by
the end of the summer you’ll be climbing up to the top of our tree fort out
back and going down the big boy slide. You are certainly more adventurous and
less cautious than Harry was at this age.

Ellis, we hope you know how much joy your little life has
brought to the world - especially to our family of four. We are blessed to call
you son and brother...and really can’t remember what life was like before you
came along. Here’s to a lifetime of years spent loving each other and learning
how to do life together.
Keep adventuring on sweet boy. I’ll be following close
behind to try and keep you out of too much trouble ;)
Love always,
Your Mama