Dear Ellis,
Oh your sweet smiles!
Thanks for being such an easy baby. I could honestly have
three more babies if I knew they’d be as easy as you’ve been the past three
months. I know that there may come a stage, or two, in the near future that
will give me a run for my money…but in the meantime I’m just going to soak you
Speaking of soaking…you’re constantly drooling. You love to
chomp down on my finger (or anyone’s for that matter)…and you must go through
at least four bibs a day. I cannot believe how much drool you’re able to create
and leak out, but if my memory serves me correctly, Harry was the same way and
he got his teeth super early. Not sure when yours will pop through, but I
wouldn’t be surprised if it happened sometime in the next month.
You love facing out and being able to see what’s going on,
especially when it comes to your big brother. You’re about the size of a
six-month-old so you’re able to sit facing out in the carrier I have and you
are absolutely loving it. It’s the only way I can get my grocery shopping done
these days – plus your car seat is getting so heavy with you inside that it’s
hard for me to lift it.

This month you’ve started smiling more, and laugh (though
it’s nearly impossible to catch on camera because as soon as my phone and/or
camera come out you freeze up). You love to sit in your high chair and watch
Harry play in the family room, or watch me cook in the kitchen.
You’ve also been sleeping for longer stretches at night. Not
always, but many times now you’ve slept for 7-7.5 hours at a time. It’s so
glorious to get more sleep, but it almost makes me feel more groggy because my
body is so shocked by it ;)…looking forward to sleeping through the night
consistently (whenever you’re ready, you can count me in)!
You really love it when your daddy talks/sings to you. He
says “Hello” to you in this deep voice that never fails to bring a smile to
your face. I love seeing you interact with him (and I know he loves it too).
Work for Daddy has been pretty overwhelming lately (many long hours and tough
cases he’s been working on) and you (and Harry of course) are definitely the
bright spot in his life each day.

We love you more and more each passing day sweet boy. You’ve
somehow acquired the nickname “brother bear” and we often call you “Ellis Bo
Bellis”, just “Bo Bellis” or even “Mr. Bellis” at times. I know…we’re a little
weird, but you’ll get used to us.
If you think the sunshine and fun we’ve had in the past
month are great, just wait because our big trip to Hawaii is coming up just
before your four-month birthday and it is going to be epic!
I love you, sweet Ellis! Thanks for going with the flow and
coming along for all of our summer adventures…whether it’s to the library to
get new books for bedtime stories, or hanging out in the shade at the park
while your brother plays…you’ve been the best little sidekick (and the
chubbiest one too…which is always so cute and all the better to snuggle with).

Love you to Jupiter (and back)…or maybe to one of those
Dwarf Planets your brother has been learning about lately. Either way, I love
Love always,