Sunday, June 29, 2014

First Day, Last Day

I can't believe Harry has finished his first year of "school". He started the year as a 1-year-old toddler, and he's finishing up the year as a 2-year-old BOY!

Love this sweet "baby" face!

His shoes are scuffed, and his legs are covered in the bruises that come with the territory of being a big boy. 

LOVE you my sweet Harry! I'm SO excited to have a summer off from work to just hang out and enjoy time together. Here's to many more school years, and summer adventures together!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

(very belated) Easter Photos

Easter was a wonderful celebration! I am so thankful for what Easter means - Jesus is my Savior and His death on the cross and RESURRECTION means everything to me!

I am spiritually alive because of the work of Jesus in my life.

These photos are just evidence of His many gifts to be thankful for!

New toothbrush, to go along with some Easter sweets!

Time for an egg hunt (many were filled with trains...notice the one in his hand) #sospoiled

I love Harry and his Papa holding hands in the background of this shot!!!

Train break :)

Papa goofing around with Harry. Caught this funny shot of an egg falling off of Papa's head

Bubbles with Auntie. SO FUN!!!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Flashback Friday :: Deciding to get Tubes

Before we made the decision to have Harry get tubes, we had to meet with the ear, nose, and throat specialist first. His appointment was downtown, in a tall building...complete with a constructions scene for Harry's entertainment below.

Munching on a breakfast bar while we waited.

So exciting to watch the construction going on below.

Such a sweet face!


This little cutie threw the most  E P I C  T A N T R U M  of all time while we met with the doctor. 

Thankfully he did pretty well during the hearing test, but when we finally got in to meet with the actual doctor he had had enough. 

Oh boy, was it humbling. 

Far too often, I puff up with pride, thinking "I've got this parenting thing DOWN; Harry is such a "good boy", I must be an AWESOME Mom". Truthfully, any good moment that I have as a mom is truly God's grace - an unmerited gift from the Lord that I do not deserve, and had nothing to do with. I am a work in progress, as is my son...who is sometimes naughty, and surely a sinner just like I am. We both need Jesus and moments like this - when he is screaming and flailing his body around like a wild animal, and I am painfully aware of the people around me (and can't help but imagine what they are thinking of him, and of me) - moments like this remind me of desperately I need Jesus. 

His grace is what carries me through this life - in both the glorious moments that melt my heart, and the painfully challenging ones that involve more tears than I'd like to admit, and often make me want to pull my hair out (just keeping it real).

So while it was an exhausting morning...I learned a lot. And praised God for using a doctor's appointment, and a tantrum, to humble me and remind me of my desperate need for Him, above all else!

After we got done, we stopped at Ikea for a (super cheap) and yummy breakfast. Why don't we go there more often? It was super fun :)

Harry wanted to take a ride, but was told no...which resulted in another tantrum as I carried him (flailing once again) to our car.

I love his little converse tennis shoes, and holy cow...the boy has some calf muscles!?! I shouldn't be surprised because it does run in my side of the family, but still...I didn't really notice it until I looked at this pic!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

MOTHER'S DAY [in photos]

So this wasn't on Mother's Day...but Harry's Spring Concert & Parent Picnic was the BEST Mother's Day Gift I could ask for!!!

(Oh and Josh surprised me with "family photos". That is also the BEST gift I could ask for. I seriously cannot wait because Josh, Harry and I will be getting family photos by one of my FAVORITE blogger/photographers in the next month or so!!! I am seriously over the moon)!!!

But back to the Spring Picnic :)

That CHEESY precious!

Harry and the BEST TEACHER EVER!!!

Harry the duck, standing by his duck artwork! :)

Mama is clearly more excited about this picture than a certain someone! Hahaha!

Mother's Day Dinner with my family :)

...and with Josh's family too! :) 

Monday, June 2, 2014

LATELY :: So Much to Celebrate!

CELEBRATING :: quiet, everyday moments!

// This sweet boy's profile: such a sweet little nose and mouth! //

// zoo fun with cousin Zoe (and Hunter too) //

// meeting cousin Brooklyn - she's the sweetest little baby //

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CELEBRATING :: Birthday Parties!

// frozen yogurt for Auntie Ashley's birthday //

// blowing out Auntie's candle...such a big helper //

// Harry's best bud turned THREE! So much fun celebrating with him!!! //

// Harry gave it a try //

// Not the most aggressive piƱata batter //

// After everyone had a turn or was time for a little help //

// Landon snagged all of the soccer balls, and Harry went for the stickers //

// stickers, one on top of the other...and a horse in his pocket //

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CELEBRATING :: A Certain Upcoming Wedding!

// pink, gold, champagne, and BUNNIES //

// cutest guest book ever :) I'm a sucker for instant cameras //

// the GORGEOUS bride opening her gifts - also, THE FLOWERS (!) //

Sunday, June 1, 2014


I have been working on my skills in graphic design, which basically means that a couple of months ago, I knew absolutely N O T H I N G about graphic design, other than the fact that I LOVE all the gorgeous artwork and designs I see online by my favorite bloggers and shop owners!

And now, I know enough to have created my first ART PRINT using Illustrator.

This is honestly not a big deal to anyone but me, but I am SO INSPIRED (can't you tell with all the uppercase enthusiasm?!).  This is all thanks to the AMAZING graphic design course that I enrolled in by the very talented and inspiring Emily of Jones Design Company!

So without further adieu, I present to you the first (of hopefully many) art prints here on Wrapped in Delight. This one is for you Kim!!! I know that my painting skills aren't professional or anything, but I kind of love how this turned out (if I do say so myself)...

Click the photo to download your own printable 5x7 copy :)

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For more information about the Jones Design Company Graphic Design course, click here! It is seriously worth EVERY penny...and perfect for beginners (like me)!