Before we made the decision to have Harry get tubes, we had to meet with the ear, nose, and throat specialist first. His appointment was downtown, in a tall building...complete with a constructions scene for Harry's entertainment below.
Munching on a breakfast bar while we waited.
So exciting to watch the construction going on below.
Such a sweet face!
This little cutie threw the most E P I C T A N T R U M of all time while we met with the doctor.
Thankfully he did pretty well during the hearing test, but when we finally got in to meet with the actual doctor he had had enough.
Oh boy, was it humbling.
Far too often, I puff up with pride, thinking "I've got this parenting thing DOWN; Harry is such a "good boy", I must be an AWESOME Mom". Truthfully, any good moment that I have as a mom is truly God's grace - an unmerited gift from the Lord that I do not deserve, and had nothing to do with. I am a work in progress, as is my son...who is sometimes naughty, and surely a sinner just like I am. We both need Jesus and moments like this - when he is screaming and flailing his body around like a wild animal, and I am painfully aware of the people around me (and can't help but imagine what they are thinking of him, and of me) - moments like this remind me of desperately I need Jesus.
His grace is what carries me through this life - in both the glorious moments that melt my heart, and the painfully challenging ones that involve more tears than I'd like to admit, and often make me want to pull my hair out (just keeping it real).
So while it was an exhausting morning...I learned a lot. And praised God for using a doctor's appointment, and a tantrum, to humble me and remind me of my desperate need for Him, above all else!
After we got done, we stopped at Ikea for a (super cheap) and yummy breakfast. Why don't we go there more often? It was super fun :)
Harry wanted to take a ride, but was told no...which resulted in another tantrum as I carried him (flailing once again) to our car.
I love his little converse tennis shoes, and holy cow...the boy has some calf muscles!?! I shouldn't be surprised because it does run in my side of the family, but still...I didn't really notice it until I looked at this pic!
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