Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Graphic Design & God's Grace [ + free printable ]

A few months ago I took an online graphic design course over at Jones Design Company.

simplified graphic design
[click the link above to look into taking this class for yourself - you won't regret it - I promise!]

It SERIOUSLY blew my mind because it was exactly what I needed to start creating graphics for myself, and to share here on my blog. I'm SO INSPIRED by both Emily (of Jones Design Company) and Katy (of Katygirl Designs). Both women are  I N C R E D I B L Y  talented and I am just enjoying the beginning of my own journey in using my desire to create, in a digital way. 

So here's proof that I learned something from the Emily's class. I am by no means a "real" graphic designer, but I love displaying quotes and scripture in a fun way.

Last week I was listening to a great sermon. Click here if you'd like to listen. God's grace is something I've been learning so much about lately. I seriously can't get through a minute, let alone an entire day without it. These words stood out to me in regard to God's grace, and with a little bit of time playing around on Illustrator, here's what I came up with:

[click the image above to download your own copy to print at home]

1 comment:

  1. Talk about or Provide your information, designs, recognizable, 3d designs, performs of art, images, etc., earn money, and get used worldwide. Sign-up via e-mail or your group team group group group group media problem here: by selecting category "GRAPHICS, DESIGN, AND MULTIMEDIA", thank you!
